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Price match guarantee

Price Match Guarantee

We aim to be the best value SMS provider in the UK.

If you have found a lower cost SMS offer, then let us know what the offer is and we’ll go all out to beat it.

We only use the most reliable tier one connections to UK networks, so the price match is offered on a ‘like-for-like’ basis.

Simply drop an email to [email protected] with ‘price match guarantee’ in the subject line and we’ll get back to you in a couple of hours. (This may take a little longer on weekends.)

While you’re waiting, feel free to set up a test account and start exploring the documentation. We’ll add 50 free text credits for testing.

Helping you spend less on SMS

We’re the only SMS provider that actively helps customers reduce their SMS spend. We do that by providing cost saving tools that identify waste and then eliminate it.

SMS cost savings tools

We’d love to chat with you about how we can help your organisation reduce its SMS costs, so please get in touch and let’s explore what we can offer.

[email protected]

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Henry Cazalet Managing Director
Co-founder and Director of The SMS Works, a low cost and powerful SMS API for developers. About Henry